
Monday, 31 March 2014

Today's Weekly Number Challege

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
four hundred and seven

Write it as an expanded number
400 + 7

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was multiplying
The hardest part was halving
I need to work on adding twenty

Monday quick write

How to make scrambled eggs
three eggs,milk,whisk,bowl,salt , pepper and plate.
1. crack the egg into the bowl add milk and with the whisk mix the eggs and the milk together.
2.Put the scrambled eggs in the microwave for 3 minutes.
3.when ready put on a plate and wait  for it to cool down.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Weekly number challenge

Today’s Number:

Write it in words

one hundred and sixty seven
Write it as an expanded number
100 +60+7=167

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5
Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was was doubling it
The hardest part was halving it
I need to work on multiplying it

P.L Monday quick write

What would you do if you had an amazing tree house.

Here are the things I would do:
I would call my friends to come over and play,we would play all day.
 If I could I would sleep almost every night in my tree house.
Sometimes I would relax on my bed and read for some peace and quite.
I would spend every moment of my spare time up in my tree house.
I would always leave with a big grin on my face.

The things I would have in my tree house:
I would have lots of food for me and people who come and visit.
I will have a big TV where I can watch all my favourite movies and TV programmes. 
I would have a white hammock next to my window were I can feel the sun shining through.
I will use fancy plates when I am eating.
I would have a toilet so I do not have to go inside.
I would have a shower so I would never have to leave,it would be like my own little house.
I would have a platform so I could walk around my tree house.
I will have a giant marble table to eat off and work on my sketching and my homework.

This is what my tree house would look like:

Friday, 21 March 2014

Sharing Information

Personal Information
(information that is safe to share)

Private Information
(information that you should never share without the permission of an adult)
Your first name
Your nick name
Your favourite colour
what country you live in
Your favourite game
favourite movie
favourite food
favourite sport
your first name

Your birth date
Bank account number
family private information
Your password for anything
Your home phone number
your last name
Your home address
who lives in your house
your personal pictures

My Cultural Art

Here is my art. I used patterns that are important to me.You can see I have translated [ slide ] the flax weaving.I have rotated [ turned ] the mountains.I have reflected [flipped] the Tamaki river. I am proud of using pastle with out smudging all over the place.

here is a link to our photos:

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Basic facts game.

This week we practice our basic facts by using online games.I really liked playing monkey drive.This help my learning by  helping with my addition.

Here is a link to the game:

Here is a screenshot of the the end of the game:
Hope you enjoy game.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Weekly Number Challage

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
thirty four

Write it as an expanded number

30 +4
Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was
The hardest part was
I need to work on

Monday Quick write

which animal would you be I would be a bran owl and these are my reason why :
  •  Because there my favourite animal.,
  • Because  there silent when they fly.
  • Because there have powerful claws.
  • Because they have strength in there wings.                                                                    
What would I do? :
  • I would fly silently and catch mice for my dinner.
  • I would have owlets of my own.
  • I would live free.

My blog Comment.

This is my helpful comment

Friday, 14 March 2014

My voicethread

we have been learning to 10 in different lauguages.We used google draw and voicethread to record our learning.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
forty six

Write it as an expanded number

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it
Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was subtracting 5
The hardest part was multiply  by 3
I need to work on doubling faster

Monday quick write

The most wonderful place I've been to is Muriwai  beach . Even if there has been shark attacks there I've never been in one. The most funnest   thing about Muriwai  is body boarding and the way the waves carry you across the sea its almost like your floating on air. Muriwai is the best beach place because the water is so clean.

Here is a screenshot of Muriwai beach :

I have highlighted 2 simple sentences and 2 conjunctions.                                                                    

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Welcome to 2014


Hi my name is phoenix. I'm a year five student and I am 9 years old and my favourite hobby is travelling. My favourite pet is tumble my cat. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite flavour is cookies and cream. My favourite food is chocolate.If I had one choice of food to eat forever it would be cockles.



I have been learning about transformation.This means changing position. you can see my photo shows reflection, rotation and translation.